Payment Instructions
  1. RevTrak is accessible through Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you do not have access to the Parent Portal please contact your school directly for login information and instructions.
  2. Login to your RevTrak account, or Click on Student Fees
  3. Enter the Infinite Campus User Name and Password for your Parent Portal account.
  4. On the left, select the Name under Family Fees or Student Fees, then select the fee that you would like to make a payment for and click Add To Cart.
  5. Confirm the fees you have selected and click Checkout.
  6. If you have not Logged in to your RevTrak Account, Login or Create New Account.
  7. Verify information for accuracy and select Place Order.
Need help?

If you are having trouble viewing all of your student's fees in Infinite Campus, please try using a different browser. Google Chrome may have issues displaying all fees in Infinite Campus.

Forgotten your web store password? Click Forgot Password?, enter your email address and click Send. Your password will be emailed to you shortly

The web store requires all parents to have a Parent Portal account to make payments and purchases.

If you do not have access to the Parent Portal, please contact your school directly for login information and instructions.